New Vintage Zip guitars
Vintage Zip electric guitars are energetic and exciting, with all of the no nonsense go-for-it attitude that makes music fun to play, and can be seen in great bands from 50?s rock ?n? roll to today?s Arctic Monkeys! With a bold and feisty style involving loud colours and inviting curves, and a lightweight easy-play design, the Zip guitars are causing a stir. If you are not one for snobbish jargon or technical tweaking then you?re sure to get on well with a Zip ? they want to make as much noise as you do without worrying about which pickup to select. Just plug in and you?re ready to go straight away even if no one else in the band is! The Zip guitars have a semi hollow body making them nice and light so you can jump around without worrying about damaging anything (including yourself!).